Nets Use & Private Coaching Guidelines

The net complex and associated equipment is by some distance our most valuable asset in financial terms. It is therefore vital that we make every effort to look after it as best we can. To that end the following guidelines are being implemented with immediate effect regarding use of the nets and by whom.

1. Only bona fide Club members who have paid their annual subscription in full for the current year will be allowed to use the nets and equipment.

2. Parents who are Club members may coach their children in the nets, but otherwise all coaching of colts must be undertaken only by individuals with the appropriate coaching and attendant qualifications, including current ECBCA membership. Evidence of these qualifications and membership will be required.

3. It must be clearly understood that where the coaching of children under the age of eleven is concerned, there must be a minimum of two adults present at all times.

4. It is expressly forbidden for anyone to undertake coaching in the Club's nets and/or using the Club's facilities for financial reward unless it has been approved in advance by the Club's Executive. For this purpose, Jan West will be the point of contact for anyone wishing to offer (or receive) 1-2-1 coaching.

5. With effect from the start of the 2012 season, any member who is allowed to provide 1-2-1 coaching for financial remuneration will be charged a fee of £5.00 per hour's coaching by the Club for the privilege of using the Club's facilities.

6. With the exception of 1st team squad net practice, nobody or group will be allowed to use the mobile net.

7. The nets will not be available for use by any individual or group (other than the players) after 10.00 on Saturdays during the cricket season.

8. The combination for the padlock on the net cage will be changed regularly. Any member requiring use of the nets must obtain the current combination from either Jan West or Julie Welham. That person's details will then be logged in order that we can keep a record of those individuals who have access to the facilities. Everybody who initiates net usage will be responsible for ensuring that the nets are fully secured, with all the attendant equipment locked inside them when they leave at the end of their session, and will be held liable for any damage to or loss of equipment subsequently discovered to have occurred during that time. For 'group' net sessions, all members will be deemed to have equal responsibility for the Club's property, and the Club will reserve the right to hold all members of such group liable for any damage or loss.

9. Members of the Club's Executive reserve the right to undertake spot checks to make sure that these rules and regulations are being adhered to. Anyone disregarding the rules and regulations, whether a Club member or not, may be asked to leave the premises immediately.

Get involved with Brentwood Cricket Club

If you would like more details of any of our events or you wish to become a Playing, Junior or Social Member of Brentwood Cricket Club please click here to contact us. We are always keen to welcome new members, male or female, young or old, playing or social so please do get in touch.

Get in touch

Management Team

Malcolm Webb


Paul Webb


Les Wingrove

Hon. Secretary & Club Administrator

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